Redmond, Oregon
Air Quality Index: 1 (Good)

Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 2:53:23 AM PST

2022 - City of Redmond, Oregon (270.7 of 270.7 miles)
Record of Completion - Redmond - Every Street
Information - Central Oregon Daily News Article, Redmond Spokesman Article
Photos - N/A
I walked every public paved street and highway within the city limits of Redmond, Oregon. I started in May 2021 and finished in January 2022. I hiked roughly 271 miles in 85 hours for an average of 3.19 miles per hour. Redmond Population Sign
2021 - Wonderland Trail (46.5 of 93 miles)
Record of Completion - N/A
Information - Wonderland Trail
Photos - Photo Album
T.J. Paulsen, Terri Paulsen and I started the trail at Mowich Lake in the NW quadrant. We hiked about 10 miles per day. This turned out to be much too strenuous for me due to my medication (metoprolol) for congestive heart failure, which is like a speed governor for my heart. I was only able to do about 1/2 mile per hour on the uphills. On day two, it took me 13 hours to hike 11.2 miles! I didn't get to camp until after dark. After camping at Ollalie Creek in the SE quadrant, I bailed out and the Paulsens continued on and finished the trail. This may be my last backpack trip unless I hike solo and only plan on doing 5 to 10 miles per day. Wonderland Trail
2018 - Appalachian Trail (1461 of 2192 miles)
Record of Completion - N/A
Information - Appalachian Trail Conservancy
Video - playlist
In April 2018, I started at the Southern Terminus on Springer Mountain in Georgia. I made it up to Connecticut and then tendonitis in my right foot got worse. It was too painful to continue. I got off the trail in July 2018. I hiked Solo, met all sorts of neat people and had a great time! I rode the train home from New York City to Portland, Oregon. Appalachian Trail
2017 - Pacific Crest Trail (566 of 2650 miles)
Record of Completion - N/A
Information - Pacific Crest Trail Association (PCTA)
Video - playlist
I started at the Mexican Border and made it up to Tehachapi, California. This was a high snow year, so I quit before reaching the Sierras. Four people died on the PCT in 2017. Pacific Crest Trail
2016 - Colorado Trail (485 of 485 miles)
Record of Completion - Click here, then search for "Sanford".
Information - Colorado Trail Organization
Video - playlist
I hiked Solo and completed the trail in 28 days! I did 20 miles per day the first two weeks, and 25 miles per day the second two weeks. I don't normally hike this many miles per day, but I started this trail 3 months after Prostate Cancer surgery. I think I had a fire lit under me and this was my "F*#% Cancer" hike! Colorado Trail
2014 - Tahoe Rim Trail (165 of 165 miles)
Record of Completion - Click here and search for "Reid Sanford".
Information - Tahoe Rim Trail Association (TRTA)
Video - play
This was my first long distance trail. It was a group hike sponsored by the TRTA. We started with 12 people and 9 of us finished. I had a great time and I highly recommend this hike! Tahoe Rim Trail